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    Playing by the PROD rules

    Aug 30, 2019
    In the next print edition, PROD rules come under the spotlight and Rory Percival, founder of Rory Percival Training and Consulting and former technical specialist at the FCA, gives his insight on what advisers need to act on. Here's a preview
    by Gill Wadsworth
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    Insights Review by ICG: July 2019

    Aug 30, 2019
    The July 2019 edition of co-branded publication The Insights Review, produced by Internal Consulting Group, is out now
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    Teamwork makes a difference

    Aug 30, 2019
    Jacqueline Lockie CFP™ Chartered FCSI, CISI head of financial planning, was inspired by how the Mercedes F1 team worked together at the Hungarian Grand Prix
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    In the news: Scotland’s digital economy

    Aug 30, 2019

    The introduction of 5G in Scotland could add £17bn to the country’s GDP, while a report by Tech Nation shines a light on Edinburgh as a hub for innovation and fundraising
    by Bethan Rees

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    The science of sleep – and why it matters

    Aug 23, 2019

    Bad sleeping patterns can have detrimental effects on your mental and physical health. Improve your sleep cycle with some simple changes and reap the rewards at work
    by Bethan Rees

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    Compliance officers' checklist

    Aug 21, 2019

    Richard Crannis MCSI, independent regulatory consultant, and Compliance Forum Committee member, provides a useful checklist for compliance officers to enable them to maintain a robust compliance function

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    Early investing pitfalls

    Aug 20, 2019
    The Woodford fund situation highlighted the need to look deeper under the bonnet when researching, says Jacqueline Lockie CFP™ Chartered FCSI, CISI head of financial planning
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    Social selling for wealth managers

    Aug 19, 2019
    In an article adapted from LinkedIn, Graham Aikin, founder and CEO, HNW Social Media Solutions, explains how the platform can be used to establish and develop relationships with prospects, clients and other business contacts
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    In the news: Do ESG funds help or hinder sustainable development?

    Aug 16, 2019

    An expert questions the effects of environmental, social and governance funds on sustainable development
    by Bethan Rees 

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    First person: It's time to play fair

    Aug 15, 2019

    People, and therefore society, have an innate sense of fairness. For businesses to regain their trust, they need to start sharing this value
    by Anthony Hilton FCSI(Hon)

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