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    In the news: The gender pension gap

    Sep 27, 2019

    A solution to help close the gender pension gap is being considered in New Zealand, while the results of a survey reveal a stark reality for women in Northern Ireland
    by Bethan Rees

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    How to work from home efficiently

    Sep 20, 2019
    Remote working is on the rise, but some may find the transition from office working difficult. Here’s how to make the most of your home office 
    by Bethan Rees
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    Grey matters ethical dilemma: Jane Doe

    Sep 17, 2019
    When a firm replaces an employee with a chatbot, at first clients don't notice the difference. But when things start to go wrong, senior managers must decide what to tell clients and the regulator
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    CISI launches SMCR Conduct Rules toolkit

    Sep 17, 2019

    With the 9 December 2019 deadline looming for the extension of the FCA Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SMCR) Conduct Rules to all UK solo-regulated firms, we’ve launched a toolkit to ensure members nationwide have access to resources relevant to each of the five rules

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    Insights Review by ICG: August 2019

    Sep 16, 2019
    The August 2019 edition of co-branded publication The Insights Review, produced by Internal Consulting Group, is out now
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    In the news: The samurai effect

    Sep 13, 2019
    'Samurai’ and 'ninja' loans can be used to help combat debt. What are they, and which countries are they being used in? 
    by Bethan Rees
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    The new normal

    Sep 12, 2019

    If ultra-low interest rates are now a long-term given, what is the impact on rationale for saving and social mobility?
    by Andrew Davis

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    How to make your workplace more sustainable

    Sep 6, 2019

    With awareness of climate change and environmental pollution higher than ever, here are some simple steps you can take towards a greener working life

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  • Wanda Goldwag

    Profile: A duty of care

    Sep 3, 2019
    Wanda Goldwag, the newly appointed chair of the Financial Services Consumer Panel, explains how the panel works and highlights the biggest issues currently facing the sector
    by Bethan Rees 
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    My business: Financial planning, not financial selling

    Sep 2, 2019
    Quentin McCormick CFP™ Chartered FCSI, managing director at Pavis Financial Management, on the value of long-term financial planning and the importance of using the right tools
    by Jane Playdon
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