Count your blessings

Feb 09, 2017
In your business it’s easy to get caught up in the concept of more. More turnover, more growth, more assets, more clients, more staff, more fees. Sometimes it’s important to stop, look back, and to recognise what you’ve achieved already.

Tips From The Coalface, February 2017

In your business it’s easy to get caught up in the concept of more. More turnover, more growth, more assets, more clients, more staff, more fees.

Sometimes it’s important to stop, look back, and to recognise what you’ve achieved already.

Why not take 3 minutes right now and make a quick brain dump list of all the things you are grateful for, specifically in relation to your business. I know you’ll be grateful for other things too; the important stuff, like family, friends and good health. But focus on your business for this short exercise.

What have you already got your hands on within you business that’s fantastic?

Can you remember the days when some of these things weren’t in existence? When you dreamed of achieving some of the things you now have?

Sometimes it’s important to just stop and be grateful for what you already have.

I like this quote from the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius:

“Don’t set your mind on things you don’t possess…but count the blessings you actually possess and think how much you would desire them if they weren’t already yours.”