News from Fenchurch Street

Nov 24, 2016
Jacqueline Lockie CFP™ Chartered FCSI, Deputy Head of Financial Planning, CISI provides an update for financial planning members

As we approach the end of the year the newly refreshed IFP Forum committee will have had their first meeting. During our discussions, we have been planning for 2017. There will be lots of things to update you on for 2017. But the first thing to remind you about is the IFP Forum London meeting and Christmas drinks on 8 December 2016, which is free for all members. To book please click here.

The second is a new (and I think an exciting development) one-day Integrated Financial Planning course starting on 10 January 2017 in London. We have two other dates for Scotland and Manchester area. We know that many of you would like to understand the financial planning process at its earliest stages before embarking on the Diploma in Financial Planning case study en-route to becoming a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional. The course will be a full action packed day and will cover:
  • What is expected by way of structure in a financial plan
  • How to deal with conflicting client objectives
  • The importance of considering the effect on all objectives when making and/or changing recommendations
  • How to formulate assumptions
  • We will use a case study to illustrate the issues you may be faced with
  • Review the Diploma of Financial Planning assessment standards (for CFPTM)

Bookings have not opened yet because I am still finalising the course, but we have had interest from several people already.  You do not need any qualifications to attend this one-day course. Those of you who are thinking of become a CFPTM professional, perhaps you are part way through studying for your Diploma Financial Planning case study, or if would like to understand the FPSB global financial planning process, then this course is for you. The cost will be £350 for the day but if you are a CISI member then you may be entitled for a sizeable discount.

To register your interest please email and we will add you to the list and email you once bookings open. Places are likely to fill up fast so don’t delay.