Friends Life Protect+ | Extra care cover

Sep 30, 2016
Extra care cover is the latest enhancement to all new Protect+ critical illness and critical illness with life policies – designed to offer an added level of financial comfort in the event of severe and life changing illnesses.

For advisers only, not for use with customers.

Extra care cover is the latest enhancement to all new Protect+ critical illness and critical illness with life policies – designed to offer an added level of financial comfort in the event of severe and life changing illnesses.

Visit the Friends Life adviser website to view our video for a 3 minute run down of the cover, including fictional claims scenarios. 

Friends Life and Pensions Limited

An incorporated company limited by shares and registered in England and Wales, number 475201.

Registered office: Pixham End, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1QA. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation.

Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Telephone 0345 600 3122 – calls may be recorded.

Friends Life is a registered trade mark and part of the Aviva group.