BlackRock mid-year investment outlook

Jul 28, 2016
Markets are torn between anxiety over the fallout of the UK’s vote to exist the European Union and the prospect of a strengthening US economy. Downside risks to global growth point to a US Federal Reserve on hold – and reinforce our view of low global interest rates for longer. Three key investment themes are at the centre of our view this quarter…

Quarterly Investment Themes

Markets are torn between anxiety over the fallout of the UK’s vote to exist the European Union and the prospect of a strengthening US economy. Downside risks to global growth point to a US Federal Reserve on hold – and reinforce our view of low global interest rates for longer. Three key investment themes are at the centre of our view this quarter:

• Low returns
• Policy limits
• Volatility

Mid-Year 2016 Investment Outlook

BlackRock Investment institute Global Investment Outlook:

• The main debates at our 2016 Midyear Outlook Forum and updates to our three key investment themes of the year
• Analysis of downside risks for risk assets as well as a potential upside surprise
• An outlook for sovereign debt, credit and equity markets

Read the report

iShares Looking Glass Outlook: Staying alive by staying alert:

• Summary of our key macro views and central themes 
• Analysis of options markets and Exchange-Traded Product flows for insights into investor behaviour
• An overview of our latest investment themes and relevant iShares products 

Read the report

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