Weighing the risks: China and oil

Feb 05, 2016
Paul O’Connor, Co-Head of Multi-Asset, and Ryan Boothroyd, Analyst, discuss Chinese equity market volatility and the declining oil price, and how the team is responding to the more challenging market conditions.

2015 was a year of heightened market volatility, low or negative returns across the major asset classes, and idiosyncratic financial events. In our view, it is no coincidence that 2015 was also the year in which the effectiveness of central bank policy support peaked. In our 2016 outlook we set out our belief that 2015 marked the beginning of a new market regime. The policy-driven, high-return markets that have characterised the post-crisis era are evolving into more challenging conditions where economic and financial tensions play a prominent role.

Two major themes are shaping markets: China and oil.

To read the full article, please click here

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