Professional development is essential for those aiming to get ahead. Follow five simple steps to make sure you stay on top of your CPD

Jan 15, 2016
1. Plan ahead Conduct an annual skills audit for yourself. Think about the areas where you have identified gaps in your knowledge and consider whether new legislation, rules, product developments and other changes have affected the area in which you operate...

1. Plan ahead

Conduct an annual skills audit for yourself. Think about the areas where you have identified gaps in your knowledge and consider whether new legislation, rules, product developments and other changes have affected the area in which you operate.

2. Set your training goals

Work out a training regime to meet the requirements of your annual audit, but remember to allow time to cover unexpected developments during the year.

3. Use all available resources

Technology makes it easier to fit training into your schedule, through webcasts and computer-based training. Take advantage of the resources available. Be creative; watching a well-informed broadcast on pensions freedoms can be a very useful way of updating your knowledge.

4. Spread out your training over the year

CPD training should be properly structured over 12 months. Remember the analogy of the footballer who trains every day to stay at the top of their game.

5. Work with others

Organising company-wide training courses may be an efficient use of resources. This will need to be topped up with more personally tailored training. CISI membership provides the opportunity to attend exclusive events, many of which are free to members, and offers inhouse training, workshops and conferences to support the professional development of members.