Accountability is an overused an often misunderstood term in business.
When most people speak about accountability, they are usually referring to someone other than themselves. It’s an outward facing view.
Tips From The Coalface, April 2019
Accountability is an overused an often misunderstood term in business.
When most people speak about accountability, they are usually referring to someone other than themselves. It’s an outward facing view.
Rather than noticing what everyone else is not doing, why not take a closer look at yourself. What are are you not doing?
Accountability is best applied to oneself.
This idea is particularly important for business owners and leaders. Do you do what you say you will do? I don’t mean the big promises, although they matter too; but the small promises.
Like completing your file notes on time and 100% accurately, so your team don’t have to guess, or chase you for more information. Like turning up on time for meetings, respecting everyone else’s time.
You don’t get a free pass on keeping your word and holding yourself accountable just because you’re the boss.
Try doing a nightly check-in with yourself.
Did I do what I planned to do today? Did I perform with excellence? Did I live up to my values and expectations for giving my best and doing a good job?
This applies to all of us. It’s easy to see everyone else’s faults.
How do you hold yourself accountable?
Brett Davidson

When you work with FP Advance you work with me, Brett Davidson, directly.
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