CFP™ professionals invited to FPI conference in South Africa

Jun 02, 2017
If you are a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional we’d love you to consider coming along with more fellow CFP™ professionals on a trip to South Africa in October 2017.
If you are a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional we’d love you to consider coming along with more fellow CFP™ professionals on a trip to South Africa in October 2017. 

You may have seen an article by Christine Dawson, NMA where she interviewed Phil Billingham about it. The trip is for CFP™ professionals from different parts of the world to meet and engage in mutual support and development.

The CFP™ professionals in South Africa are facing similar issues to planners in the UK in the form of their version of RDR. The planners in South Africa are keen to learn from UK CFP™ professionals and hear how RDR has changed their business models. There is also much to learn from how things are done differently in South Africa. 

We will help coordinate members of the CISI IFP Professional Forum along with other CFP™ professionals to come along. Past UK delegates have said that they would recommend the trip as very worthwhile. It is an exciting and positive opportunity to interact with our FPSB counterparts.

I am very much looking forward to attending the conference and meetings (as they will take place immediately before I will be in South Africa for the FPSB council meeting).

If you would like more details please contact Phil Billingham directly on