Are you just doing too much?

Jun 08, 2016
When you find yourself under a lot of pressure the first move is to work harder. Option two is to look at your team and your processes. Are they not quite as efficient as they could be? Even if the answer to that question is ‘yes’, I’ve got another option for you to consider.

Tips From The Coalface, June 2016

When you find yourself under a lot of pressure the first move is to work harder.

Option two is to look at your team and your processes. Are they not quite as efficient as they could be?

Even if the answer to that question is ‘yes’, I’ve got another option for you to consider.

Option three is just do less. I know, it’s pretty radical and you could easily blow it off as fanciful. After all, everything you are currently doing seems important, doesn’t it.

However, this suggestion is not as crazy as it sounds.

Ask yourself what’s the one thing that will make the biggest difference to your business in the next 90 days? Then ditch everything else and focus on that.

Here’s what a lot of businesses discover by doing less:

  • A lot of the tasks they let go or defer, never get done and the business still performs well (clearly those other tasks were never as important as they once believed)
  • The extra time and space improves morale because people can do the jobs you’ve asked them to do properly and with some pride
  • Going slower (which is the one thing entrepreneurial types find excruciating), actually allows the business to go faster

A lot of firms are just trying to do too much.

Do less and improve your business.