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    Case study: Everyone needs life planning

    Sep 17, 2018

    Michael Fairweather CFPTM Chartered MCSI, founder of Real Life Financial Planning, provides an insight into the life planning process

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    In the news: Money laundering in Europe

    Sep 14, 2018
    Will the news of money laundering in banking institutions across Europe lead to new supervision powers? 
    by Bethan Rees
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    Defining ‘complex’ and ‘appropriate’ products

    Sep 14, 2018
    The FCA is urging the sector to err on the side of caution until there is clarity on the definition of ‘complex’ or ‘appropriate’ products. How should these be defined?
    by Richard Willsher 
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    Review of Financial Markets: Q3 2018

    Sep 14, 2018
    Issues around ‘behavioural finance’ – understanding the true needs of clients – the use of blockchain for greater operational and cost efficiency, and dealing with the many-headed Hydra of the cyber threat, all covered in the Q3 2018 edition of RoFM, will feature on many boardroom agendas
    edited by George Littlejohn MCSI, senior adviser to the CISI
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    My business: Achieving real wealth

    Sep 14, 2018

    Jonathan Gibson CFPTM Chartered MCSI, managing director of Wells Gibson in Scotland, describes an integrated approach to deliver ‘proper wealth planning’
    by Jane Playdon

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    Profile: Marshall Bailey OBE, the unlikely banker

    Sep 13, 2018
    Marshall Bailey OBE, the new chairman of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, explains in the Q3 2018 edition of The Review that banking has a purpose beyond profit – to contribute to the greater good of the economy and society
    by Eila Madden
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    The recruitment challenge

    Sep 10, 2018
    A growing number of financial planners are reaching retirement age and fewer new recruits are entering the sector. How can the profession avert a recruitment crisis?
    text by Eila Madden, illustration by Andrew Baker/Ikon
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    People: On the record

    Sep 9, 2018
    Financial planner and hospital radio presenter Francis Klonowski CFPTM Chartered FCSI has been helping listeners relax for almost 40 years
    by Lora Benson
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    Insights Review by ICG: August 2018

    Sep 7, 2018
    The August 2018 edition of co-branded publication The Insights Review, produced by Internal Consulting Group, is out now
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    Why flexible working is good for business

    Sep 7, 2018
    Time to say goodbye to standard office hours? Flexible working can benefit both an employee and employer
    by Bethan Rees
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