• andy700

    Last word: Global heater

    Nov 25, 2021

    Asia’s economic growth is a double-edged sword for investors – the region’s soaring industrialisation could have a devastating impact
    by Andy Davis

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  • career-dev_nov_700

    Supply chain lessons for recruiting managers

    Nov 25, 2021

    Can treating your talent pipeline like a supply chain help overcome the challenges of finding, hiring and training people?
    by Sophie Mackenzie

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  • Hector McNeil700

    ETFs get active as the market continues to expand

    Nov 23, 2021
    Eventually, all new funds that have daily liquidity will end up in an ETF wrapper, writes Hector McNeil, co-CEO at HANetf
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    Bridging the vulnerability gap

    Nov 23, 2021

    David Burrows reports on how the financial services sector is taking steps to support customers in vulnerable circumstances

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  • JaneFuller700

    Loving the numbers: Jane Fuller FCSI(Hon)

    Nov 22, 2021

    Jane Fuller FCSI(Hon), co-director of the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI), was awarded a CISI Honorary Fellowship in October 2020 in recognition of her contribution to the financial services sector
    by Lora Benson MCIPR, CISI head of media

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  • gamifying_a_700

    Game on?

    Nov 19, 2021

    A new cohort of investment platforms are using techniques from online gaming and social media to ‘democratise’ investing. Intentions are good. Consequences can be disastrous
    by Paul Bryant

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  • news_700

    In the news: Private equity

    Nov 18, 2021

    Headline-making deals have kept the private equity sector in the news recently, but a regulatory clampdown could be on the way in the US
    by Sophie Mackenzie

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    Fintech and vulnerability

    Nov 17, 2021

    Fintech is proving to be a powerful force for both helping and harming those in vulnerable circumstances
    by Paul Bryant

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  • rofm700

    Review of Financial Markets: October 2021

    Nov 11, 2021
    The October 2021 issue of Review of Financial Markets looks at two crises, one from the perspective of the rear of a koala, plus more on AML and sustainability
    Edited by George Littlejohn MCSI, senior adviser to the CISI
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  • Climate_Risk_700

    Climate change: mapping the risks and opportunities

    Nov 11, 2021

    As climate risk becomes a key topic on global agendas, how should these risks be reported and mitigated? And what are the opportunities for finance from the transition to net zero?
    by Anna Fedorova

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